All posts by webmaster

Summer pruning at The Old North Stables

We have about 50 cordon apple trees at the stables. Grafted during a Worcester Orchard Workers course they are now 5 years old and growing well. To ensure they are easy to pick and provide lots of fruit there is a programme of pruning and they are due for their summer prune. Summer pruning limits the growth of the tree while winter pruning stimulates that growth.
We will have a pruning workshop at the Stables 11am Saturday 15th July 2017 when the emphasis will be on summer pruning but we can talk about all things concerning apples. Everybody is welcome and you may just turn up on the day although it would be appreciated if you could drop us a line at

Old North Stables pitching at Worcester Soup

On the 16th October we will be doing a pitch at the Worcester Soup
We could use your support in this.

This event is held at Cafe Bliss at the Arts Workshop
21 Sansome St, Worcester WR1 1UH from 2pm – 6pm.


What is the Worcester Soup?

Each quarter, Worcester Soup will host a group dinner in Worcester City.

Worcester Soup is a potluck style dinner. You are invited to bring food to share if you want. (usually soup, bread and salad). It is a free dinner. The door fee is for grant funding of local community projects.

  • Worcester residents and supporters donate £4 at the door (you can give more if you want🙂
  • 4 people working on projects that benefit the community get 4 minutes to present their proposals to the group
  • The diners get to ask 4 questions per project
  • Over dinner, diners cast their vote for the project they want to help fund
  • The winning project goes home with all of the money raised on the door
  • Winners come back to a future SOUP dinner to tell us about how the project went!

We will use these funds if we win to fund our running costs, buy seeds and look in to creating more raised beds. To make sure we will get the votes we will need your support and we hope you would be willing to come to the event and support us.

More information about the Worcester Soup can be found on

Transition Worcester Apple Pressing

This year’s programme of apple pressing events is now underway! Bring surplus apples or pears from your trees and get them pressed into juice with our Orchard Worker volunteers. Please bring your own clean bottles or containers. The events are also a good opportunity to find out about managing your trees for fruit and for wildlife.

All events run from approximately 11 am – 3pm. Here are the venues and dates:

October 201

Please note the event on Saturday 1st October has been canceled
Earth Festival @The Fold – Bransford: Sunday 2nd October
Cripplegate Park (near the Sons of Rest Building): Saturday 8th October
Lyppard Hub, Warndon: Saturday 15th October
The Commandery: Saturday 22th October
The Fold at Bransford: Sunday 23rd October
Ellenden Farm Shop, WR11 8LU: Tuesday 25th October
Evesham Country Park: Thursday 27th October
Pump House Environment Centre: Saturday 29nd October

November 2016
Countryside Centre: Saturday 12th November
Ellenden Farm Shop: Saturday 19th November

Potato bash 2016

Welcome to the Transition Worcester Potato Bash 2016.
This is your chance to take part in a fun potato growing competition, see just how many spuds you can grow for yourself, and you might even win one of two cash prizes!


The rules:

  • Entry is £1
  • £10 cash prize for the heaviest total yield from a single seed potato (supplied by Transition Worcester)
  • £5 cash prize for the heaviest single grown potato (seed potato supplied by Transition Worcester)

What should I do?

  1. Pay £1 to enter the competition.
  2. Pick your potato from the authorised Transition Worcester Potato Bash potato supplier
  3. Take your potato home and ‘chit’ it.
  4. When you want to, get a pot and compost, and plant your potato.
  5. Note that you MUST grow your potato plant in a pot or container (no bigger than 30 litres*) and not in the open ground. The growing medium you use is up to you.
  6. Look after your potato plant.
  7. Bring your potato plant, in its pot, to the Transition Worcester stall at the Worcester Flower Show, Gheluvelt Park on Sunday 14th August, by 1pm at the latest.

*As a guide: 30 Litres = 31cm x 31cm x 31cm (approx) or a cylinder 30cm diameter and 42cm depth.

Plant Swap


The Transition Worcester Plant Swap will be taking place on Saturday 7th May from 11am to 3pm.

Join us at the Old North Stables for veg seedlings, advice and to chat with like minded people. Have a tour of the site, where you’ll see the initial progress on the Forest Garden project, as well as the floating beehives…. that’s right beehives that can float! Also, while you’re there why not pick up your official Potato Bash competition spud!

We’ll have the usual range of veg seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, beans etc), and fruit bushes available, and of course the things that we don’t know about that other people will bring on the day.

Seed Swap – 5th March 2016

Just like last year, we’ve decided to hold the Seed Swap 2016 at the Old North Stable Teaching and Display Garden.

In addition to the seed swap, our Energy group will be promoting low energy LED light bulbs, secondary glazing and wall insulation. We are also holding biochar making demonstrations.

If you’ve not visited the Old North Stables before, we will be able to take the opportunity to briefly show you around the site. Directions are shown on the map. The nearest car park is opposite the Pump House Environment Centre in Waterworks Road. Whatever means of transport you use, just follow the eastern edge of Pitchcroft until you find the open gates… you really can’t miss us!

The event takes place on Saturday 5th March, 10am-3pm. As well as the seed swap, we’ll be launching our 2016 Potato Bash, and will have experienced gardeners on hand to provide tips on how to Grow Your Own. As always, we like to start the event with a good “kitty” of seeds, so if you have seeds that you want to donate before the event, these can be dropped off at the Pump House Environment Centre. Alternatively, please email us if you have seeds to swap but can’t make the day.

Also if you have any unwanted hand tools, which you might want to donate, we welcome these very much.

This is a great event to volunteer at, so if you can spare a little time, please do come along and help us out!

Break in at the stables

Unfortunately The Old North Stables was victim of a break in over the weekend in which several items have been stolen.

So far we are missing the following items:
Various Hand tools (hammers, screw drivers, chisels, saws etc.)
Sack Truck
Bolt Cutters
Various barrels and bits and pieces

If someone has seen something out of the ordinary between Friday the 19th of February and Saturday Morning on the 20th of February please contact us.

Also if anyone has any spare hand tools, which they would want to donate, please contact us as we would be very grateful for this.

Thank you,


The team at the old north stables